Is a cheaper vehicle tracking system the best for your company?

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When a business owner or fleet manager is looking for a vehicle tracking company the first thing he will look at is cost. This is completely normal but we want to show you the pitfalls of choosing the cheapest tracking company.

Like anything in like choosing the cheapest is not always the best way to go. Think about when you buy a car. The first thing you do is test drive it. If you went and purchased the cheapest car without seeing how it drives and how good it is you know that it will cost you more in the long term. The same is applicable to a vehicle tracking system.

Firstly test drives it. Get an online demonstration of the tracking companies you are considering. Read between the lines. A lot of vehicle tracking companies may undercut their competitors but in reality there is always a trade off. Usually it is data and what we mean by this is they will reduce the reporting times from 30 seconds to maybe 5 minutes in order to have less costs. So straight away you are losing because you have opted for the cheapest.

What about if it goes wrong who has to pay for it. Also look at the small print and is there a warranty. What features does the tracking system have? Can it accurately give you vehicle tracking information or are you going to spend more time on the phone trying to get support. Remember your time is precious.

Cheap vehicle tracking systems never work. You are always going to end up paying what you should have done in the first place.

A good vehicle tracking company will charge between £20 to £25 per vehicle per month.

If you are paying less than that then you may be losing out so make sure you do your home work.

Feel free to ask us any advice at any time by calling us now on 01245 790 802

Scott Hayden
Scott Hayden is the Director and of Trackmatic ™ vehicle tracking. He has over 10 years in the industry and works not only runs one of the most successful tracking companies in Europe but also is a consultant in Telematics. Scott lives in Wexford with his wife lynn and there 4 dogs. He is a keen cyclist and runner and is passionate about customer service and technology.

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